Thursday, August 16, 2007

It's Soooo Hot ...... It Must Be Texas HS Football Season

Texas high school football team workouts are now in full force and the first scrimmages will be this weekend. Along with the start of practice came the traditional Texas heat. Football practice and 100 degree heat just go hand-in-hand in these parts don't they?

Actually the big story most of the summer was cooler weather and flooding throughout the state, and now tropical storms are bringing more rain to the southern part of the state. Old man sunshine will continue to dole out high temperatures until September though, so we might as well break out the "it's so hot" jokes.

It's so hot ..................
  • I saw a dog chasing a cat and they were both walking
  • I saw a robin pulling a worm out of the ground and he was using pot holders
  • Chickens are laying boiled eggs
  • You eat a jalapeno pepper just to cool your mouth off
  • When the temperature dips below 95 you break out a jacket
  • You use your seat belt buckle for a branding iron
  • You learn how to drive with two fingers
  • My french poodle is now a french fry
  • You take turns standing in each others shade
  • You burn your rear from the boiling water in your toilet bowl
  • Trees are whistling at dogs

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